Organisation Of Islamic Cooperation Members

This is 21 0 of the habitable area around the world and 24 of the world population.
Organisation of islamic cooperation members. The organisation of islamic cooperation has 57 members 56 of which are also member states of the united nations the exception being palestine some members especially in west africa and south america are though with large muslim populations not necessarily muslim majority countries a few countries with significant muslim populations such as russia and thailand sit as observer states. Last edited on 17 march 2020 at 01 17. Oic organization of islamic cooperation the oic is an alliance of currently 56 countries mainly located in western asia and in western africa. The organization is the collective voice of the muslim world and ensuring to safeguard and protect the interests of the muslim world in the spirit of.
List of organisation of islamic cooperation member states by gdp per capita ppp list of organisation of islamic cooperation member states by imports. The oic identifies itself as the collective voice of the muslim world whose main aim is to protect and conserve the interests of the muslim world in the spirit of encouraging peace and harmony internationally. The organisation of islamic cooperation oic formerly organization of the islamic conference is the second largest inter governmental organization after the united nations which has membership of 57 states spread over four continents. The organisation of islamic cooperation founded in 1969 has 57 members 56 of which are also member states of the united nations with 42 countries being muslim majority countries.
All member states comprise a total area of 31 66 million km and about 1 86 billion people. This page was last edited on 17 march 2020.